Finding Personal Sovereignty
Sovereignty begins with t r u s t i n g y o u r s e l f
Learning to trust oneself and the deep wisdom that resides within is the foundation for personal sovereignty.
This journey generally involves an excavation of our inner landscape, a descent so to speak into our psyche and soma where our deepest core wounds reside. This path requires courage and a level of commitment that is not for the faint of heart.
We first must learn to cultivate mindfulness, the moment to moment awareness of our internal and external environments. As we become more aware of our thoughts, feelings and inner dialogues - the inner witness or observer, is b i r t h e d.
The observer part of us can be compared to a wide angle lens of a camera, it has the ability to take a few steps back and gain a larger p e r s p e c t i v e.
From here we begin to develop an inner trust & personal authority and gain an understanding that we are responsible for our own beliefs, our own choice of words, our emotions and our actions. We become a w a k e n e d to our own personal empowerment and recognize the choices that exist.
To be sovereign is to have explored our shadow, to have befriended this part of ourselves by visiting it often and sitting in its presence; feeling into the depths of the discomfort, the fear, the pain and still choose to continue to unravel the layers, by doing our own inner work. Only then, can these disowned, denied and hidden parts of ourselves be fully integrated into our being.
S o v e r e i g n t y is our personal truth, self-ownership, an alignment with our authentic & powerful self.