How Self Exploration Can Improve Relationships
Self exploration is key to growth in all relationships.
Allowing ourselves to be curious about our inner landscapes, creates a level of self awareness that benefits everyone we come into contact with.
Through examining the details of our mental, emotional and physical bodies -our visceral experiences, we can gain a level of clarity that can then be put into a language that is clearly communicated and more apt to be received by another.
Self exploration begins with the willingness to be open and vulnerable with ourselves. Ultimately, having the courage to explore our shadow aspects. Invite curiosity to take the lead, throwing away judgments, fears and or old patterns. Begin to ask questions, allowing your own internal process to unfold and guide you.
Through stillness and inner observation, we begin to cultivate a relationship with the deeper parts of ourselves. Only then can we show up and offer a level of presence, clarity and integrity with another.
Benefits may include:
Increase self-knowledge allowing us to be more informed of our choices and how we impact others
Increased ability to recognize when we’ve been triggered and how to self-regulate
An inner peace and acceptance that radiates outward
Increased confidence, self-esteem, leadership
How to begin self exploration:
Pause, take a deep breath
Notice what’s happening inside (the body-sensations, emotional content, thoughts, and assumptions).
Can you identify and themes or patterns
Get curious, what’s the underlying need?
Let the above inform you about how to proceed
Work with a psychotherapist