The Inner Labyrinth of Hidden Gems
Our path of growth and healing whether we call it spiritual, emotional/ mental is not linear in nature, but can be equated to a labyrinth, often with many twists and turns along the way as we make the descent inward. We get to travel along this path again and again and again…
Please remember you are exactly where you are meant to be in this moment, this time, this chapter in your life, even if it feels like you are stumbling upon old territory.
These twists and turns of life, our inner labyrinth, if you wish is redirecting and leading you home…towards your truest, most wisest and deepest Self. The Self that resides deep within the heart center.
Maybe ask yourself, “What will you choose on your inner journey? Will you remain open, curious and willing to feel it all? That potential discomfort, fear, pain and deep sorrows. Will you pause long enough to feel deeply into these raw places, and befriend these wounds? Will you offer them space and attention, maybe a little patience? This very act of slowing things down, feeling into these spaces within, you may just discover the brilliant gems that lie just alongside these shadow aspect of self, these vulnerable parts, our wounds…these inner gems are gifts, the gift of pure radiance that is YOU!